The Action Alliance delivers trainings for professionals who respond to or seek to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence.

Our trainings are designed to build empathy and create intention to shape a world in which people, relationships, and communities are liberated, healthy, equitable, and just. Our trainings are interactive and collaborative, and we often use these spaces for skill building and sharing because we know that our training participants hold knowledge and expertise in this field and movement that we can all learn from. Trainings at the Action Alliance are created to inspire learning, growth, and imagination for anyone who wants to be a brave agent of change.

A calendar showing the month of July, surrounded by cacti.

We strive to make all our trainings accessible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or needs you have in order to attend one of our trainings!

Parking: There is parking located behind our building with two handicap spots. For all in person trainings, you will be given a parking pass for the lot so parking is free.

The Training Space: There are two steps required to enter our building through the front. Please let us know if you cannot do steps as we will have you go through the back door. All major door frames meet the ADA measurement standards  but none of our doors are automated. The training room is equipped with rolling tables and chairs to arrange the space as needed for the diverse range of activities that occur in the space. Participants can adjust the height of our chairs, but the tables are not adjustable in this way. The space receives lots of natural light; there is also overhead fluorescent lighting. Our offices are not currently scent-free. When walking around our offices, visitors may notice artwork from the “Art of Surviving” collection that depicts experiences of healing from sexual violence.

Bathrooms: Our bathrooms are single person, accessible bathrooms.

Language: At this time, our programs and trainings are in spoken and written English. Portable interpreting equipment is available for groups that are using the training space that would like to provide spoken language interpretation. Please let us know of any language accessibility needs that you have prior to your training.

Food: When the Action Alliance provides food for training, we strive to meet all dietary needs. Please let us know of any restrictions you may have so we can make the necessary arrangements. Please also let us know about any food-based allergies you may have so we can inform our staff and other participants to refrain from bringing snacks that may cause an allergic reaction.

Animals: The Action Alliance office is pet friendly and we often have dogs and occasionally cats in the space. If, for any reason, you cannot or do not feel comfortable being around animals, please let us know and we can make arrangements for pets to be left at home and the space vacuumed.

Questions: If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of our space, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Events Coordinator at

View our training calendar here. To head straight to our Training Registration Page, head here!

Current Trainings (to see a description of the training, click on the icon!)

What if Accountability Wasn’t Scary?

We use the word accountability practically every day in our work to respond to and prevent sexual and intimate partner violence. But what does it look like? Though accountability is an everyday term, most of us have a lot to learn about how to do it. Becoming better at accountability holds the potential to transform ourselves, our relationships, even our movement.

In response to requests from Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies, the Action Alliance wrote a discussion guide, called a Harm and Accountability Conversation Seed Packet, to help those of us working in sexual and domestic violence programs begin to think more broadly about what accountability can and should look like, not only after harm is committed, but also in all aspects of our lives: our relationships, families, workplaces, and communities.

The 95-page discussion guide includes more than 15 exercises along with concrete steps for folks working in sexual and domestic violence agencies who want to expand their knowledge and practice of effective accountability. Examples of activities in the discussion guide include:

  • Questions to guide personal reflection on our experiences with accountability: what have we noticed about what works and what doesn’t work? What has helped us, personally, in our own efforts to be accountable?
  • Exploring our role as advocates: how would our work and partnerships change if we viewed the problem of sexual and domestic violence through a human rights frame, versus a criminal frame?
  • Small group discussions about what trauma-informed consequences and repair could look like in well-known cases of violent crimes—and follow-up discussion to link those ideas to our vision for accountability.
  • A lesson in how to give a genuine apology
  • And more!

Please join us to learn more about the new resource and how you can use it in your work: Harm and Accountability Conversation Seed Packet: A Discussion Guide to Support Sexual & Domestic Violence Programs as You Hold Conversations About Harm, Accountability, and Healing.

Participants will be introduced to the discussion guide and its conversation starters and will be the first to gain free download access to this new, exciting resource.

When: June 25, 2pm – 4pm

Where: Virtual, Click here to register

Cost: Free

Protective Orders have been a lifesaving tool for survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence for many years in VA. However, a thorough understanding of whether or not a protective order is a useful tool for a particular survivor and the community structure for effective issuance and enforcement are what makes protective orders valuable tools in ensuring safety and accountability.

This four-part series on Protective Orders in Virginia reviewed and discussed the history of protective orders, what types are available and how survivors access them, what do advocates need to know to assist survivors in effective use of them, and finally, new firearms restrictions related to protective orders and how to build a community structure to ensure the most effective enforcement of them.

  • Session 1: History and Overview of Protective Orders
  • Session 2: Nuts and Bolts of PO’s
  • Session 3: Real-World Application of PO’s
  • Session 4: Protective Orders and Firearms

When: Self-paced (originally presented in September 2020)

Where: Virtual; pre-recorded presentations and resources

Cost: Free

How to Access: Access the Protective Order Webinar Series here

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